A drone crashed on the crater rim

A drone was hit by molten lava by the eruption …

A drone was hit by molten lava by the eruption opening, and lost its flight and landed on the crater rim. Screenshot/Instagram @untitledshot

The French adventure photographer and software engineer Josselin Cornou, who also works at Meta, captured the awesome footage as he was filming the red-hot magma splattering out of the volcanic opening of the eruption at Litli-Hrútur.

Was getting close, but then I saw a drone rushing, quickly moved away, to realise the drone was hit by molten lava.”

That's how Cornou describes the scenario on social media. He calls for the owner of the drone that lost its flight and crashed into the crater rim.

If you are in the group and it’s your drone, I would be interested to see your point of view,” he tells us in the facebook group: Iceland Geology | Seismic & Volcanic Activity in Iceland.

Cornou closes the entry, saying that it was a very unfortunate incident.






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