The biggest quake this year

Flying over Vatnajökull. At the front are Grímsvötn lakes and …

Flying over Vatnajökull. At the front are Grímsvötn lakes and the steep cliffs of Grímsfjall mountain.

The largest earthquake of the year was recorded in Grímsvötn today at 15:15 AM. The source of the earthquake is located about 3.4 km northeast of Grímsfjall.

It measured at 3.3 in magnitude

Another quake with a magnitude of 2.8 was measured just before, but a total of four quakes have been recorded in the area today. The last time there was a quake with a magnitude of more than three was measured in Grímsvötn in December of last year.


Partly cloudy


6 °C


Later today

7 °C



5 °C