Four men charged in a major cocaine case

The cocaine that was found by the Dutch police in …

The cocaine that was found by the Dutch police in the shipment of timber coming from Brazil en route to Iceland with a stopover in the Netherlands. Photo/The Dutch police

The district attorney's office has charged four men in a major cocaine case first reported last August. One hundred kilos of cocaine were to be shipped to the country by shipment of timber from Brazil with a stopover in the Netherlands.

Anna Barbara Andradóttir, the prosecutor at the district attorney’s office, confirms that charges were issued in the case against the four men.

Cooperation between Icelandic and Dutch authorties

The materials were found during a search by the Dutch law enforcement authorities who replaced the drugs with synthetic materials. The Dutch police announced in August that the search was conducted based on information from Icelandic law enforcement authorities, who had an ongoing investigation going into organized crime.

One person was arrested after picking up a container of the shipment and three others afterwards. They were then placed in custody and the district attorney is planning to ask for an extension of the detention today.


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