Stricter Disease Prevention Rules in Effect in Iceland

People waiting to be tested for COVID-19.

People waiting to be tested for COVID-19. Jóhannesson

Vala Hafstað

In response to a rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Iceland, stricter disease prevention measures were enacted at midnight, Morgunblaðið reports. The new rules will be in effect for a minimum of two weeks.

In addition, the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management has enacted its emergency/distress phase, which replaces the alert phase.

The maximum number of people allowed to gather is now 20, instead of 200, with some exceptions.

Fitness centers are closed.

Fitness centers are closed. Magnússon

Fitness centers, night clubs, bars and arcades have been closed.

Swimming pools remain open, but each pool may only admit 50 percent of the maximum number of people its license allows.

The one-meter social distancing rule continues to apply.

Wherever that rule cannot be respected, face masks are required.

Exceptions from 20-people social distancing rule:

Children born in 2005 and later are not subject to the rule.

Preschools and grade schools will continue operation as before.

In secondary schools and universities, the maximum number of people allowed in each classroom will be 30.

Face masks are required where the one-meter rule cannot be …

Face masks are required where the one-meter rule cannot be respected. Jóhannesson

Stores less than 1,000 square meters may let in 100 people to the same space at once. Larger stores may let in one additional customer per 10 square meters, up to a total of 200 people.

At funerals, up to 50 people may be present.

Theaters may continue operation, with a maximum of 100 people in each separate space, and face masks will be required.

Contact sports are allowed with a maximum group size of 50.

No spectators are allowed at indoor sports events.

At outdoor sports events, up to 100 spectators are allowed within each area. Face masks are required.

Alþingi, the Icelandic parliament, is exempt from the rule. So are courts in session.

First responders are exempt from the rule.


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